Now Punjabi will be taught in public schools in Western Australia.The move to teach Punjabi in schools was viewed as after the schedule included Tamil, Hindi, and Korean dialects in 2021.Australian students To Soon Learn Punjabi.The language is good to go to be brought into the school educational program. The Australian government is embracing Punjabi as the freshest language after a 2021 evaluation showed that it was the quickest developing language in Australia with in excess of 239,000 individuals utilizing it at home, an increment of more than 80% from 2016, revealed SBS Punjabi.

The schedule for pre-essential to year 12 will be fostered for this present year. The transition to show Punjabi in schools was viewed as after the schedule included Tamil, Hindi, and Korean dialects in 2021.Students are supposed to have the option to require Year 11 courses in 2024, with the main Australian Tertiary Affirmation Rank (ATAR) course assessment set in 2025, while schools will approach the pre-essential to Year 10 educational plan beginning in 2024, SBS Punjabi detailed.
In December, Schooling Pastor Sue Ellery let SBS know that the Punjabi language will be presented as a choice to pre-essential through year twelve understudies in Western Australia. She added that with more than 190 dialects spoken all through the state, semantic variety is an incredible strength that gives a scope of social, social and monetary advantages.
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“I’m satisfied to see the continuous extension of dialects educational program for WA understudies, and the improvement of Punjabi educational program is especially fitting given it could uphold understudies in key future business open doors,” Ms Ellery said in a public statement.
While language is another expansion, prior Australian Sikh history was remembered for the Humanities and Sociologies subjects in WA schools for quite a long time 5, 6 and 9.
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